How long have you been sewing?

I started documenting my sewing on social media in 2018, but I have been sewing most of my life. I got my first sewing machine when I was 12, and I never stopped, but had years when I wasn’t very productive or confident. I sewed my high school graduation dress, and often wore my own creations in college and my early 20s. As my career in fashion took off, I sewed less (and received a lot of free clothing through work, so didn’t need to add to my wardrobe). But gradually, I craved spending more time at the sewing machine. My 2018 and 2019 New Year’s Resolutions were sewing based, and I stuck to them. As a result, I have a lot to show for my efforts, and my skill have improved dramatically. Committing more time to sewing has been one of the most satisfying creative endeavors of my life.

What kind of sewing machine do you use?

My first born child is my Bernina Virtuoso 153QE that I have owned since it was brand new, in 2001. Over the years I have collected quite a few feet for this machine that make using it a dream. I still have my childhood sewing machine, a White 1510, but I’ve mostly held onto it for nostalgic reasons, as I don’t find it to be particularly pleasurable to use.

I am a BERNINA Ambassador, Class of 2022, and use their brand new B735 sewing machine as part of my Ambassadorship. This machine is incredibly powerful and fun to use. I will be documenting and sharing my journey with this machine in the months to come.

I want to learn how to sew, where should I begin?

Sewing is a cumulative skill - the more you do it, the more experience, knowledge, and muscle memory you gain. I highly recommend taking a class where you can either use a machine provided by the class (if you don’t yet own one), or bring your machine to use in class. This is absolutely the best way to learn - in a room with other people. Not only is the energy of a classroom amazing, but you will absorb little tips and tricks as you and those around you ask questions and share learnings.

I also suggest reading as much as you can. There are many excellent sewing books (both newer and older, don’t sleep on vintage ones, the skill have not changed), blogs galore, and of course YouTube is an amazing resource for learning everything from how to clean and oil your machine to how to make a double welt pocket.

Can I use, re-post, or publish images from your Blog/Instagram/Etsy etc.?

All photos posted to are original unless otherwise noted. Images are copyright protected and may not be used for any purpose without the express written permission of Martha Moore Porter.

I want to work with you, how can I get in touch?

I am open to working with brands and collaborating with other individuals. Please feel free to get in touch at